Sunday, February 26, 2012

Armani Fragrances Ad Campaign

Above is one of many Giorgio Armani picture Ads for their Aqua Di Gio cologne and perfume fragrances. The Ad is rather provocative, by showing an intimate couple in black and white, with the full color products shown in the bottom corners. This Ad would seem to be targeting both males and females between the ages of 16-40 or so, and in particular people that want these types of intimate moments. The Ad is insinuating that with the use of their product, the user will experience more positive encounters with the opposite sex. This is typically the kind of Ad used by Abercrombie or Calvin Klein, but the status quo for fragrances is beginning to be all about sex appeal. I personally have been given Armani cologne as a gift, but would probably not buy it myself solely based upon an Ad such as this.

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