Sunday, April 8, 2012

Chase Ad

Chase Bank's campaign: "Chase What Matters", does a great job of summing up a feeling for what consumers do with their money. They do things that matter. This ad is part of a campaign to gain customers from every demographic so long as they have expendable income. This ad makes people think about their finances, and question what they are doing that matters, and uses the company name (Chase) in the catch phrase. Good ad overall.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Coke Truck Ad

This Coca Cola truck stands out to me because of the vivid art enticing any passerby's to enjoy an ice cold Coke. This to me is a genius advertising strategy in a warm weather climate such as the picture shows, because visual images are very powerful when it comes to food and drinks. They are able to remind potential customers of times spent enjoying Coke, which may increase sales. I can personally attest to the fact that if I was in a hot environment and saw an ad for an ice cold Coke, I would be very tempted to indulge.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Makeup for Week 6 pt. 2

This ad by J Crew is a much different approach then the previous Kohl's ad that I mentioned. This upscale clothing brand aims to bring in top dollar for nice clothing, and has a target audience of wealthy people. It is clear that brand loyalty and fashion are their key selling points, and they want people to think that it isn't just about the physical clothing, but the lifestyle that comes with J Crew clothing. It is a decent ad, but I feel that it limits the consumer's opinion of J Crew by showing only "going out" clothing, instead of three different looks.

Makeup for Week 6 pt. 1

Ads such as this one from Kohl's department stores are a mainstay in every magazine. The company is appealing to middle class Americans with expendable income looking to save money on clothing and more. The bright color scheme is not subtle for a reason, as this ad is simply trying to reach as many viewers as possible. For the goals that Kohl's marketing has, I feel this paper ad does what is intended, and is therefore a keeper in my book.


This ad by Titleist is for the new line of Drivers, the 910 series. Titleist is a premium golf brand, and appeals to every good avid golfer, regardless of age. This ad is enhanced by the appearance of golf sensation Ricky Fowler, who is a captivating player appealing to both youth and older generations alike. This ad makes an avid golfer such as myself want this driver, so I feel that it has done what was intended.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beats by Dre Colors

My blog tonight is a response to the most recent edition of Beats by Dre headphones, colors. These are some of the most popular headphones in today's pop culture, and the limited edition colors are a great step to gain market share by expanding from simple black and white headphones. The target audience is anyone who can see themselves enjoying music with great quality and in style, as I have seen both young and old sporting these headphones. I cannot express enough about how this personalization tactic will boost Beat sales, because everyone likes to be different and these unique colors provide just that.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blake Griffin Kia Optima Commercial

I have seen this commercial air during many games on ESPN, and felt that Kia is doing a great job with celebrity endorsement. Blake Griffin is not only a great basketball player, but an easy-to-like kind of guy. For less popular car brands such as Kia, the goal of advertising is to get more customers considering their vehicle, and this offensive marketing campaign aimed at gaining the attention of more viewers has been rather successful. This is my favorite ad featuring Blake, and if I were guessing Kia's target market, I would say males and females in their early 20s up to mid 30s. Kia is really pushing their new Optima, and having a series of ads featuring Blake Griffin definitely helps.